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Eric Stough is an American animator and producer, best known for his work on South Park. He is also the inspiration for the character of Butters Stotch and has won five Emmy Awards for his animation.
Stough ist der Animations - Regisseur der Fernsehserie South Park. Für seine Arbeit an der Serie gewann er vier Emmys (2005, 2007, 2008, 2009). Laut eigener Aussage ist seine Arbeit von The Jerry Springer Show inspiriert.
Watch an excerpt from a Q&A session with South Park Animation Director, Eric Stough, following a screening of the episode "A Nightmare on Facetime" for IFS. Learn about his career, style and challenges in animation.
- 3 Min.
- 44,9K
- International Film Series
27. Okt. 2023 · Eric Stough is a longtime friend and colleague of Matt Stone and Trey Parker, and the man they based the character Butters Stotch after. Learn about his childhood, his love for animation, and his role in creating the popular TV show South Park.
- Brian Vanhooker
Eric Stough is a longtime collaborator of South Park creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker. He is the producer of the show, the animation director of some episodes, and the voice of Kenny McCormick's unmuffled voice.
23. Mai 2024 · Die Co-Schöpfer Trey Parker und Matt Stone sind zusammen mit Anne Garefino und Frank C. Agnone II die ausführenden Produzenten*innen. Eric Stough, Adrien Beard, Bruce Howell und Vernon Chatman fungieren als Produzenten. Christopher Brion ist der Creative Director der South Park Digital Studios.
13. Dez. 2013 · Learn how Eric Stough (Film’95) joined the creators of "South Park" as an animation director and co-producer, and how he helped shape the show's distinctive style and humor. Find out his background, his relationship with Trey Parker and Matt Stone, and his role in the show's production.