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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Ernest Joseph King war einer der bedeutendsten Admirale der US Navy im Rang eines Fleet Admirals während des Zweiten Weltkriegs. King war der einzige Offizier, der jemals gleichzeitig den Posten des Chief of Naval Operations und des Commander in Chief of United States Fleet innehatte, was ihn zu einem der mächtigsten Offiziere der ...

  2. Ernest J. King was a fleet admiral in the U.S. Navy who led the navy during World War II. He commanded the Atlantic Fleet, the Tenth Fleet, and the Combined Chiefs of Staff, and received three Navy Distinguished Service Medals.

  3. Learn about the life and achievements of Ernest J. King, the ninth Chief of Naval Operations and the Commander in Chief of the U.S. Fleet during World War II. He led the U.S. Navy to victory over Germany and Japan, and established the Tenth Fleet to fight U-boats.

  4. Learn about Ernest Joseph King, the American admiral who commanded U.S. naval forces and chief of naval operations during most of World War II. He masterminded the successful U.S. military campaign against Japan in the Pacific and was a member of the Allied high-level conferences.

    • The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica
  5. Learn about the life and career of Ernest J. King, the American naval officer who led the U.S. Fleet and the Navy during World War II. Read his articles on naval operations, organization, and strategy.

  6. 9. Mai 2018 · Learn about the life and career of Ernest J. King, the American admiral who led the U.S. Navy in World War II. Find out his achievements, challenges, and controversies in this comprehensive biography.

  7. Find personal narratives, research materials, and oral histories related to Ernest J. King, Jr., the son of Fleet Admiral Ernest J. King, US Navy. Learn about his association with his father, his career, and his publications.