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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Fitzharrys School is a grammar school in Abingdon, Oxfordshire, that offers a wide range of academic and extra-curricular opportunities for students from Year 6 to Sixth Form. The school has a strong ethos of aspiration, a curriculum that is research driven and a focus on pastoral care and support.

    • Students

      Fitzharrys School, Northcourt Road, Abingdon, OX14 1NP 01235...

  2. Fitzharrys School is a coeducational secondary school and sixth form located in Abingdon-on-Thames, Oxfordshire, England. There are about 650 students attending. The headteacher since March 2020 is Will Speke, who took over from Jonathan Dennett.

  3. Find information about students' learning, pastoral care, careers, health and wellbeing at Fitzharrys School in Abingdon, Oxfordshire. Access online systems, news, events, policies and contacts for students and parents.

  4. Fitzharrys School is a state school for boys and girls aged from 11 to 18 in Abingdon, Oxfordshire. It offers a range of special educational needs (SEN) provision, including autism, dyslexia, hearing impairment and mental health. The school has a good Ofsted rating and a SEN unit or class for each SEN category.

  5. Fitzharrys School, Abingdon, Oxfordshire. 915 likes · 100 talking about this · 11 were here. Fitzharrys is a happy and successful secondary school in...

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    • What is it like to attend this school?
    • What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
    • Safeguarding
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    • In the report, ‘disadvantaged pupils’ refers to those pupils who attract government pupil premium funding: pupils claiming free school meals at any point in the last six years and
    • Information about this inspection
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    There is a strong sense of inclusion and community at this school. Pupils proudly show the school values of ‘aspiration, opportunity, integrity’. They consistently demonstrate kindness and support towards each other. Pupils’ relationships with staff are built on mutual respect. They know that staff have their best interests at heart and as such the...

    Leaders and governors have high ambitions for what pupils will achieve. School leaders are committed to ensuring that pupils study a broad curriculum across the school. They are clear that in doing so, pupils will have the knowledge to study a range of subjects in key stage 4 and the sixth form. The curriculum is coherent and well sequenced. Lead...

    The arrangements for safeguarding are effective. Staff are well trained to identify when a pupil or their family need help. They refer any concerns rapidly, and leaders take swift action to respond. Leaders work well with external agencies to make sure pupils and their families get the right support at the right time. Safeguarding records are detai...

    Provision for pupils with SEND is still being refined by leaders. This means that the support that some pupils receive is not as precise as it could be. Leaders should continue their work to enhance and embed practice across the entire school and ensure systems for oversight are consistently robust. Persistent absence of the most vulnerable pupils ...

    You can use Ofsted Parent View to give Ofsted your opinion on your child’s school, or to find out what other parents and carers think. We use information from Ofsted Parent View when deciding which schools to inspect, when to inspect them and as part of their inspection. The Department for Education has further guidance on how to complain about a s...

    You can search for published performance information about the school.

    pupils in care or who left care through adoption or another formal route.

    This was the first routine inspection the school received since the COVID-19 pandemic began. Inspectors discussed the impact of the pandemic with leaders and have taken that into account in their evaluation of the school. Inspectors met with the headteacher and other members of the leadership team. The lead inspector met with the chair of governo...

    Read the latest inspection report of Fitzharrys School, a good school in Abingdon, Oxfordshire. Find out about its curriculum, SEND provision, safeguarding, attendance and more.

  6. Website. (opens in new tab) Telephone. 01235520698. Ofsted rating. Good (Last inspection: 26 April 2023) Ofsted report (opens in new tab) Data from other services....