Francesco Crispi war ein italienischer Revolutionär, Staatsmann und Politiker. In seiner Amtszeit als Ministerpräsident trieb er außenpolitisch in antifranzösischer Haltung den Dreibund und die koloniale Expansion seines Landes voran, während er innenpolitisch mit strenger Hand gegen soziale Protestbewegungen vorging. Zwischen ...
Scopri la vita e le opere di Francesco Crispi, figura di spicco del Risorgimento e quattro volte presidente del Consiglio d'Italia. Leggi le sue battaglie, le sue riforme, le sue alleanze e le sue controversie con Giolitti.
Francesco Crispi was an Italian patriot and statesman who played a key role in the Risorgimento and the unification of Italy. He served as prime minister twice, but also faced scandals and defeat in Ethiopia.
8. Aug. 2024 · Learn about Francesco Crispi, an Italian statesman who helped unify Italy and led the Risorgimento movement. Find out his life story, political career, foreign policy, and legacy.
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A biography of Francesco Crispi, a former prime minister of Italy and one of the most important and controversial figures in the country's history. The book explores his role in Italian unification, his political education reforms, his wars, and his legacy.
11. Juni 2018 · Learn about Francesco Crispi, a leader in the movement for Italian unification and a deputy of the left. Find out his biography, political views, and role in the Expedition of the Thousand and the capture of Rome.
A biography of Francesco Crispi, a key figure in Italy's unification and modernization. The chapter focuses on his final years after the disastrous defeat in Ethiopia in 1896, and his attempts to foster patriotism and unity in a fractured society.