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Frank Allen is an English bass guitarist who played with Cliff Bennett and the Rebel Rousers and The Searchers. He also wrote books about the Searchers and their music influences.
Frank Allen, the bassist of The Searchers, shares his reflections on the 2024 extension of the Thank You Tour and the future of the band. He thanks the fans, the crew, the management and his bandmates for their support and loyalty.
19. Dez. 2023 · Frank Allen stieß 1961 als Rhythmusgitarrist zu Cliff Bennett & The Rebel Rousers, wechselte schon bald an den Bass und ging 1964 zu den Searchers. Dort fungierte er in den ersten Jahren auch als Lead-Vokalist. Am 14. Dezember wurde Frank Allen 80 Jahre alt.
The Searchers sind eine britische Rockgruppe, die besonders in den 1960er Jahren erfolgreich war und mehrere Hits hatte. Ihre bekanntesten Titel sind Needles and Pins, Sugar and Spice, Sweets for My Sweet, Love Potion No. 9 und When You Walk in the Room. Die Gruppe stammt wie die Beatles aus Liverpool und wird der Musikrichtung des ...
On the spot with the longest serving member of "The Searchers" Frank Allen about the bands rise to fame and the secret to their longevity.To find out more in...
- 13 Min.
- 720
- Josh Barry
Enjoy an exclusive interview with Frank Allen from THE SEARCHERS on tour throughout 2018.Hear 100's of exclusive interviews and reviews with Alex Belfield at...
- 18 Min.
- 47,4K
- Alex Belfield - THE VOICE OF REASON
22. Sept. 2023 · Frank Allen, former bassist of The Searchers and Cliff Bennett and the Rebel Rousers, shares his stories and insights into their music. Listen to the podcast or read the transcript of his journey from rhythm guitarist to bassist and beyond.