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  1. › wiki › Fred_TrumpFred Trump - Wikipedia

    Vor 6 Tagen · Frederick Christ Trump Sr. (October 11, 1905 – June 25, 1999) was an American real-estate developer and businessman. He was the father of Donald Trump, the 45th president of the United States.

  2. Vor 2 Tagen · Trump's father Fred was the son of German immigrants, while his mother Mary Anne MacLeod was a Scottish immigrant. Trump has five children from three wives, and ten grandchildren.

  3. 17. Sept. 2024 · Donald Trump's claims to being one of the wealthiest, most successful and brilliant businessmen was created with smoke and mirrors using his father's wealth, media-created myths, lots of...

  4. 11. Sept. 2024 · Donald Trumps Vater Fred C. Trump war Immobilienunternehmer. Als sich nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg der Markt lockerte, baute er seine Firma aus. Nach der Schule studierte der junge Trump Wirtschaftswissenschaft in New York und Philadelphia. Parallel dazu stieg er in die Geschäfte seines Vaters ein, der inzwischen Multimillionär ...

  5. Vor 6 Tagen · Trump owed everything to his father Fred, one of the country’s top housebuilders who made his fortune in the post-second world war construction boom. With a couple of exceptions, Trump’s own ...

  6. Frederick Trump Sr. was born on March 14, 1869, in Kallistadt in the Kingdom of Bavaria. He married Elisabeth Christ, 11 years his junior, on Aug. 26, 1902. They moved

  7. 9. Sept. 2024 · Fred C. Trump III has been hoping this moment would arrive for more than 20 years — a moment when he can leverage his polarizing last name to advocate for the disabled community on behalf of his...