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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Frederick Taylor Gates (22 de julio de 1853 - 6 de febrero de 1929) fue un clérigo baptista estadounidense, educador y el principal asesor comercial y filantrópico del magnate John D. Rockefeller sénior, entre 1891 y 1923.

  2. 29. Jan. 2024 · Frederick T. Gates, 1922 Courtesy of the Rockefeller Archive Center Frederick Taylor Gates (1853-1929) was an American Baptist clergyman, educator, and the principal business and philanthropic advisor to the major oil industrialist John D. Rockefeller, Sr., from 1891 to 1923.

  3. Frederick Taylor Gates war ein US-amerikanischer Baptistenpastor. Er war ab 1888 Geschäftsführer der American Baptist Education Society (ABES), von 1907 bis 1917 Vorsitzender des General Education Board (GEB), Berater und Vermögensverwalter von John D. Rockefeller.

  4. the genteel conscience and passionate vision of Frederick Taylor Gates. To create the China Medical Board, which officially sought to revolutionize medical care in China, Gates assembled an eclectic coalition of forces that was often at cross-purposes to his own. His "closely guarded" mission was one that has eluded both the critics and

  5. 28. Okt. 2022 · Nein, Frederick Taylor Gates von der Rockefeller-Stiftung ist nicht der Großvater von Bill Gates. Über Bill Gates kursieren im Netz viele Falschbehauptungen und Verschwörungsmythen. Aktuell heißt es in Sozialen Medien, er sei Enkel von Frederick Taylor Gates, der enger Vertrauter der Rockefeller-Familie war.

  6. Frederick T. Gates. Frederick T. Gates, 1921. PD. By the early 1890s, John D. Rockefeller, Sr. had devised one of the world's most brilliant and sophisticated systems to make money. But when it ...

  7. Frederick Taylor Gates (1853-1929) was a Baptist minister, businessman, and chief architect of John D. Rockefeller's great philanthropic enterprises. He worked his way through the University of Rochester -- receiving his degree in 1877-- and the Rochester Theological Seminary (1880). Superintendent of missions for the American Home Missionary Society in Kansas, in 1888 he became secretary of ...