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  1. Die Entdeckung der Nukleinsäure. Bereits im Jahre 1869 stieß Friedrich Miescher nach aufwändigen Untersuchungen auf eine völlig neuartige Substanz, die er »Nuklein« nannte. Er bewies u.a., dass Nuklein in vielen verschiedenen Zellen vorkommt. Die Forschungsergebnisse Mieschers empfand nicht nur Hoppe-Seyler als revolutionär.

  2. 10. Aug. 2004 · Like many success stories, the career of DNA as the molecule of heredity and icon of modern biology began under somewhat less glamorous circumstances. The story begins in 1844, one hundred years before Avery and his colleagues realised the significance of DNA as the genetic material (see accompanying article), with the birth in Basel of Friedrich Miescher, who went on to discover DNA at the ...

  3. 10. Aug. 2004 · Like many success stories, the career of DNA as the molecule of heredity and icon of modern biology began under somewhat less glamorous circumstances. The story begins in 1844, one hundred years before Avery and his colleagues realised the significance of DNA as the genetic material (see accompanying article), with the birth in Basel of Friedrich Miescher, who went on to discover DNA at the ...

  4. 6. Apr. 2020 · Abstract. In 1869, the young Swiss biochemist Friedrich Miescher discovered the molecule we now refer to as DNA, developing techniques for its extraction. In this paper we explain why his name is all but forgotten, and his role in the history of genetics is mostly overlooked. We focus on the role of national rivalries and disciplinary turf wars ...

  5. 1. Juni 2020 · His name was Friedrich Miescher, and if you have not heard of him, you are not alone. Notwithstanding his absence from popular accounts of the history of genetics, Miescher isolated nuclein. He also hypothesized that it may serve as the material basis of heredity. In his later years, Miescher privately intimated that inheritance could be (at ...

  6. 15. Sept. 2023 · In the annals of scientific history, the name Friedrich Miescher stands tall as a pioneer whose groundbreaking work paved the way for our understanding of the fundamental building blocks of life – nucleic acids. Miescher's fascination with the human body and its composition drove him to study medicine at the University of Basel. However, his ...

  7. Sein Vater Friedrich Miescher-His und sein Onkel Wilhelm His sind angesehene Mediziner und Professoren an der Universität Basel. Mit 17 Jahren beginnt er in Basel und Göttingen Medizin zu studieren, will aber nicht als Arzt arbeiten, sondern die physiologisch-chemischen Grundlagen des Lebens ergründen. Zunächst geht er 1868 nach Tübingen ins Labor des Chemikers