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  1. 27. März 2011 · Geraldine Ferraro, who has died aged 75 after suffering complications from cancer, was the first woman chosen by a major American political party to be its vice-presidential candidate.

  2. 杰拉尔丁·安妮·费拉罗 (Geraldine Anne Ferraro )女,1935年出生,美国政治领袖。纽约州民主党人,是美国重要政党的第一位女性副总统候选人。 纽约州民主党人,是美国重要政党的第一位女性副总统候选人。

  3. 26. März 2011 · US Democratic politician Geraldine Ferraro, who was the first woman to run for vice-president for a major party, dies at the age of 75.

  4. Geraldine Ferraro durchbrach 1984 die Geschlechterbarriere als erste Frau, die mit der Kandidatur einer großen politischen Partei für ein nationales Amt kandidierte.

  5. 24. Juli 2014 · Nel 1978 Geraldine Ferraro fu eletta al Congresso dove fece sentire la sua voce contro le politiche economiche dell'amministrazione Reagan e dove si impegnò nella lotta per la parità dei diritti delle donne sponsorizzando, tra l’altro, l’Equity Act del 1984.

  6. 14. März 2014 · Geraldine A. Ferraro ran with Walter Mondale as the Democratic nominee for vice president, becoming a symbol for women's equality. The candidacy of the former housewife, prosecutor and ...

  7. Geraldine Ferraro (Newburgh, 26 d'agost de 1935 - Boston, 26 de març de 2011) va ser una política estatunidenca. [1] Membre de la Cambra de Representants , va ser la primera dona en la història dels Estats Units a ser candidata a la vicepresidència del país pel Partit Demòcrata en les eleccions presidencials de 1984 .