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  1. Gustav Born (Mediziner, 1851) – Wikipedia. Das Grab von Gustav Born auf dem Alten Jüdischen Friedhof in Breslau. Gustav Jacob Born (geboren 22. April 1851 in Kempen; gestorben 6. Juli 1900 in Breslau) war ein deutscher Embryologe . Inhaltsverzeichnis. 1 Leben. 2 Schriften (Auswahl) 3 Literatur. 4 Weblinks. 5 Einzelnachweise. Leben.

  2. Gustav Born war der Sohn des Physikers und Nobelpreisträgers Max Born und von Hedwig Born geb. Ehrenberg [3]. Er ging in Göttingen und, nach der Emigration seiner Eltern (1933), in Cambridge und Edinburgh zur Schule. Er studierte Medizin an der Universität Edinburgh und wurde an der Universität Oxford promoviert.

  3. 17. Apr. 2018 · Gustav Victor Rudolf Born (* 29. Juli 1921 in Göttingen) war ein ausgezeichneter britischer Pharmakologe. Gustav Born ging in Göttingen, in Cambridge und Edinburgh zur Schule. Er studierte Medizin an der Universität Edinburgh und wurde an der Universität Oxford promoviert.

  4. Gustav Victor Rudolf Born FRCP, HonFRCS, FRS (29 July 1921 – 16 April 2018) [1] was a German-British professor of Pharmacology at King's College London and Research Professor at the William Harvey Research Institute, Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry .

  5. Born, Gustav Jacob. Chapter. pp 56. Cite this chapter. Gerhard Bettendorf. 7 Accesses. Zusammenfassung. Born ging in Görlitz in Schlesien zur Schule. 1869 begann er sein Medizinstudium in Breslau und setzte es in Bonn, Straßburg und Berlin fort.

  6. 22. Juli 2009 · Gustav Jacob Born was an experimental embryologist whose original work with amphibians served as the platform for his wax-plate method of embryo modeling, heteroblastic (different tissues) and xenoplastic (similar species) transplantation methods, environmental influences on sex ratio studies, and proposed function of the corpus luteum.

  7. 17. Juli 2013 · Gustav Born was 11 at the time, living in Gottingen, Lower Saxony, where his father, Max, was director of one of the world's leading centres for physics research. The Borns were...

  8. Gustav Born achieved scientific fame for his application of light transmission aggregometry to the study of platelet function, but also led interdisciplinary research teams in pioneering quantitative in vivo imaging studies of platelet aggregation and leukocyte adhesion, and in conducting the first research into the biomechanical factors underly...

  9. 9. Nov. 2018 · Gustav Born achieved scientific fame for his application of light transmission aggregometry to the study of platelet function, but also led interdisciplinary research teams in pioneering...

  10. Gustav Born (Gus) made fundamental contributions to the study of blood platelets and their role in thrombogenesis. Working first on the biochemistry of these cells and their granules, Gus later devised an extremely effective method to measure their dynamic responses when stimulated to aggregate by pro-thrombotic stimuli.

  11. Gustav Born ist der Name folgender Personen: Gustav Born (Mediziner, 1851) (1851–1900), deutscher Embryologe. Gustav Born (Mediziner, 1921) ( Gustav Victor Rudolf Born; 1921–2018), deutsch-britischer Pharmakologe. Kategorie: Begriffsklärung.

  12. This film documents an interview with Prof. Dr. Gustav Born about his live and his achievements as a scientist, his childhood in Goettingen and his relation ...

  13. Gustav Jacob Born (1851–1900) was a German histologist and author. He was the father of Max Born . Born was a native of Kempen (Kępno), Province of Posen.

  14. Gustav Jacob Born was an experimental embryologist whose original work with amphibians served as the platform for his waxplate method of embryo modeling, heteroblastic and xenoplastic transplantation methods, environmental influences on sex ratio studies, and proposed function of the corpus luteum. Expand. Save to Library.

  15. Gustav Victor Rudolf Born was born in Göttingen in 1921 as one of the three children of Hedwig Born and the already famous physicist Max Born who became Nobel laureate in Physics in 1954.

  16. Gustav Born achieved scientific fame for his application of light transmission aggregometry to the study of platelet function, but also led interdisciplinary research teams in pioneering quantitative in vivo imaging studies of platelet aggregation and leukocyte adhesion, and in conducting the first research into the biomechanical factors underly...

  17. In 1960, Gustav Born was appointed to head the Department of Pharmacology at the Royal College of Surgeons in London. The next 13 years would prove to be the most productive in his scientific career and the most important in the development of the Department into an internationally respected research center.

  18. 28. Jan. 2019 · Mit seinen vielfältigen Gedichten und Geschichten hat Gustav Born aus Usseln seine Heimat und das örtliche Platt einmalig verewigt. Als Gustav Born jung war, sprach noch fast jeder Plattdeutsch im Alltag.

  19. Gustav Jacob Born (* 22. April 1851 in Kempen; † 6. Juli 1900 in Breslau) war ein deutscher Embryologe. Born war Professor für Anatomie und Embryologie an der Universität Breslau. Er gilt als der Entdecker der endokrinen Funktion des Gelbkörpers. Im Jahr 1888 wurde er zum Mitglied der Leopoldina gewählt. Sein Sohn war der Nobelpreisträger Max Born.

  20. 5. Mai 2018 · Gustav Born, an accomplished medical researcher who was the son of a Nobel Prize-winning physicist and was also a witness to the expulsion of famed scientists from Nazi Germany, died April 16 in...