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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. 20. Apr. 2005 · Nature - Hans A. Bethe (1906–2005) But 1933 was also a personal watershed for Bethe. His parents were Protestants, but his mother had been Jewish at birth, and so he was dismissed by the Nazis ...

  2. 10. März 2005 · Zum Tode von Hans Bethe. Hans Bethe starb am Sonntag im Alter von 98 Jahren in seinem Haus in Ithaca (US-Bundesstaat New York). Er wurde 1967 für seine Arbeiten zur Energieentstehung in Sternen mit dem Nobelpreis für Physik ausgezeichnet. Lesen Sie hier das Interview, das ein halbes Jahr vor seinem Tod Dieter Hoffmann geführt hat:

  3. 8. Mai 2018 · Hans Bethe was the head theoretician on the Manhattan Project and was a key contributor to the atomic bombs that killed more than 100,000 people and wounded even more when they were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II. Bethe also helped to develop the hydrogen bomb, despite the fact that he was opposed to the development of this type of weapon.

  4. hans albreCht bethe, who died on march 6, 2005, at the age of 98, was one of the greatest physicists of the 20th century, a giant among giants whose legacy will remain with physics and the wider science community for years to come. he was universally admired for his scientific achievement, his integrity, fairness, and for his deeply felt ...

  5. Hans A. Bethe was a world-renowned scientist, a distinguished professor of physics and one of the most honored faculty members in Cornell's 140-year history. A pioneer of 20th century physics and astronomy, he received the Nobel Prize in Physics "for his contributions to the theory of nuclear reactions, especially his discoveries concerning the energy production in stars." A leading member of ...

  6. Hans Albrecht Bethe (* 2. júl 1906, Štrasburg, Francúzsko – † 6. marec 2005, Ithaca, New York, USA) bol nemecký fyzik, jeden z najvýznamnejších 20. storočia. Vysvetlil princípy fungovania termonukleárnych procesov vo hviezdach , podieľal sa na vývoji atómovej bomby a bol známym bojovníkom proti šíreniu jadrových zbraní.

  7. Hans Albrecht Bethe (n. 2 iulie 1906 , Strasbourg , Alsacia-Lorena , Imperiul German – d. 6 martie 2005 , Ithaca, New York , New York , SUA ) a fost un fizician american de origine germană , participant important la Proiectul Manhattan precum și la dezvoltarea proiectului bombei cu hidrogen , laureat al Premiului Nobel pentru Fizică în 1967 pentru elaborarea teoriei nucleosintezei stelare.

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