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  1. › publication › 379830505_Truth_and_SufferingTruth and Suffering - ResearchGate

    Vor 3 Tagen · On the other hand, we indicate, that in Gadamer`s hermeneutics, death as finiteness provokes a man to search the authentic communication with other people. However this contact is not based on the ...

  2. Vor 15 Stunden · According to Richard E Palmer in his book Hermeneutics , Erlebnis first appeared in the plural form Erlebnisse in the work of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, while Hans-Georg Gadamer suggests in Truth and Method that the first singular use can be found in one of G W F Hegel’s letters. But the word really didn’t come into common usage until the ...

  3. Vor 3 Tagen · Hermeneutics is a research method articulated by Moules et al. (2015), that is guided by a philosophical grounding in the work of Hans-Georg Gadamer. The approach aims for understanding rather than explanation, using interpretation to help illuminate situations/topics in which we encounter meanings that are not immediately understandable ( Gadamer, 2008 ).

  4. Vor einem Tag · Filosofen Hans-Georg Gadamer sa om helsen at den er ureflektert til man mister den (Gadamer, 2003). Dette er gjenkjennbart. Så lenge kroppen fungerer, tenker vi ikke videre over den, helsen er ureflektert. Men med én gang sykdom inntreffer, blir helse umulig å overse. Egne erfaringer . Det var slik jeg selv opplevde det i midten av ...

  5. Vor 2 Tagen · This article provides an overview of the challenges faced at the intersection of philosophy and translation studies. The interdisciplinary scope under consideration covers philosophical contributions to theoretical investigation of translation, which are substantively grounded in the experiences of practicing translators, amongst whom are philosophers.

  6. Vor 3 Tagen · However, as Hans Georg-Gadamer describes, one mustn’t limit their perspective to a singular worldview. Rather, one should look at the fusion of horizons. Culture does not exist in a vacuum ...

  7. Vor 2 Tagen · Er blickt auf früheste literarische Werke wie das Gilgamesch-Epos und die Bibel, auf die fragwürdige Gelassenheit der Stoiker, das japanische Feiern der Vergänglichkeit oder die Unsterblichkeitsträume des Silicon Valley, befragt mit Georg Büchner einen Frühverstorbenen, mit Hans-Georg Gadamer oder Claude Lévi-Strauss Hundertjährige ...