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Vor 2 Tagen · München (dpa) - Regisseurin Julia von Heinz (48, «Und morgen die ganze Welt») sorgt sich vor dem Kinostart ihres neuen Filmes «Treasure» über einen Holocaust-Überlebenden und dessen Tochter um die Erinnerungskultur in Deutschland.
Vor 2 Tagen · Model with the overall commander of the 2nd Panzer Army and his direct superior, Heinz Guderian, in 1941. Model earned his first senior command posting in November, when he was assigned to lead the 3rd Panzer Division. While a division command was the normal progression for a chief of staff of an army, command of a panzer division ...
Vor 14 Stunden · Erich von Manstein
Vor 3 Tagen · Rundstedt and Heinz Guderian have been singled out as the two who most contributed to Rommel's expulsion from the army, especially as both had good reason to dislike him; however, Rommel and Rundstedt had always had a grudging respect for one another, and Rundstedt later served as Hitler's representative at Rommel's state funeral ...
Vor 6 Tagen · Diese Liste enthält alle Soldaten des Heeres, die einen Dienstgrad der Dienstgradgruppe der Generale erreicht haben, einschließlich der Angehörigen der Laufbahn der Offiziere des Sanitätsdienstes
Vor 5 Tagen · What must the U.S. military of tomorrow look like? Using the U.S. Marine Corps’ 2024 Commandant’s Professional Reading List (CPRL) as a proxy for what military personnel are being told to know, the authors of this article questioned whether the Marine Corps is ready to envision a future U.S. military capable of Joint, inter-Service, interagency, and multinational multidomain operations.
Vor 3 Tagen · The 10 Most Legendary Tanks Of WW2 Ranked ...