Hell is a location or state of punishment in the afterlife, often portrayed as fire, torture, or cold. Learn about the origins, etymology, and variations of hell in different cultures and religions, such as Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and African traditions.
Hell is the abode of the unredeemed dead or the spirits of the damned in many religious traditions. Learn about the origins, meanings, and variations of hell in different cultures and religions, from Mesopotamia to Christianity.
In einer heißen Welt, in der die Sonne zum Feind geworden ist, kämpfen ein Paar und seine Schwester um ihr Überleben. Der Film ist ab 27.08.2024 in der...
Übersetzung Englisch-Deutsch für hell im PONS Online-Wörterbuch nachschlagen! Gratis Vokabeltrainer, Verbtabellen, Aussprachefunktion.
Das Adjektiv hell hat mehrere Bedeutungen, wie z.B. von viel Licht erfüllt, klar, glänzend oder sehr. Im Duden finden Sie die Rechtschreibung, die Herkunft, die typischen Verbindungen und die Synonyme zu hell.
18. Apr. 2018 · A Christian perspective on the meaning and history of hell, a core part of the faith. Learn how hell has been depicted in art, literature and theology, and how it relates to death, judgment,...
14. Jan. 2019 · Hell is an old room in the house of the human imagination, and the ancients loved to offer the tour. Illustration by Cleon Peterson
Hell is the place of eternal punishment for the wicked in Christian theology, based on biblical and Classical sources. Learn about the different views and depictions of hell in Christian history and literature, from Gehenna to Dante's Inferno.
Hell is a place of punishment for wicked people in many mythologies and religions. Learn about the different beliefs and meanings of Hell in Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and other traditions.
Hell is a place of torment and punishment for the wicked in many religions. Learn about the origins, types, and modern attitudes toward hell in this article from Britannica.