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  1. Vor 6 Tagen · Herbert Marcuse was a pivotal figure in 20th-century philosophy, particularly known for his association with the Frankfurt School and his contributions to critical theory. His work powerfully critiqued capitalist societies, highlighting how consumer culture and technological rationality suppress true human freedom and potential ...

  2. 4. Apr. 2024 · Dies sind die 23 besten Sätze von Herbert Marcuse, dem deutschen Philosophen, der den Kapitalismus kritisierte. Von der Frankfurt School hat Marcuse uns Termine hinterlassen ...

  3. Vor 6 Tagen · Daraja Press. reviewed by Robert Hunziker. World events serve as a stage of constant search for how best to construct and maintain society, which is an underlying theme of some decades ago found in the works of Herbert Marcuse, 1898–1979, German-American philosopher of prominent fame during the 1960s considered an intellectual ...

  4. 16. Apr. 2024 · „Vielleicht“. Enthusiasmus versus Sicherheit. 11. August 2021. Zum Gedenken an den vor 50 Jahren verstorbenen Ludwig Marcuse. Von Erich Garhammer. Wohl am besten hat Reiner Kunze den Unterschied von Herbert und Ludwig Marcuse herausgearbeitet in der kleinen Textminiatur „Revolte“ in den „wunderbaren Jahren“:

  5. 9. Apr. 2024 · This was Herbert Marcuses first book on Hegel, written in the early 1930s when he was under the strong influence of Martin Heidegger. It provides a still unequaled Heideggerian reading of Hegel’s thought that seeks the defining characteristics of “historicity” – what it means to say that a historical event happens.

  6. 12. Apr. 2024 · Frankfurt School, group of researchers associated with the Institute for Social Research in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, who applied Marxism to a radical interdisciplinary social theory. Members of the school included Max Horkheimer, T.W. Adorno, Erich Fromm, Herbert Marcuse, and Walter Benjamin.

  7. 19. Apr. 2024 · Author of Eros and Civilization (1955) and One-Dimensional Man (1964) Marcuse was thrust onto the big stage as the preeminent theorist of the New Left, arguably more relevant today than during the 1960s.