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  1. Hope Davis ist eine entfernte Verwandte des englischen Theaterschauspielers Noël Coward, der ein Cousin ihres Großvaters war. Ihre Kindheit war geprägt von der Freundschaft zu Mira Sorvino , die auf der gegenüberliegenden Straßenseite mit ihren Eltern wohnte.

  2. › wiki › Hope_DavisHope Davis - Wikipedia

    Hope Davis (born March 23, 1964) [2] is an American actress. She is known for her performances on stage and screen earning various awards including nominations for a Tony Award, three Primetime Emmy Awards, and two Golden Globe Award. She made her film debut in Joel Schumacher's Flatliners in 1990.

  3. › name › nm0204706Hope Davis - IMDb

    Hope Davis. Actress: American Splendor. Davis, second of three children, was born in Englewood, New Jersey, the daughter of Joan, a librarian (at one time, for the elementary section of Elisabeth Morrow School), and William Davis, an engineer. Davis has described her mother as a "great storyteller" who would take Davis and her siblings to ...

  4. Hope Davis. Actress: American Splendor. Davis, second of three children, was born in Englewood, New Jersey, the daughter of Joan, a librarian (at one time, for the elementary section of Elisabeth Morrow School), and William Davis, an engineer.

  5. Hope Davis (born March 23, 1964) is an American actress. She has starred in more than 20 feature films, including About Schmidt, Arlington Road, Flatliners, Mumford, American Splendor, The Lodger and Next Stop Wonderland.

  6. 7. Apr. 2023 · Hope Davis Has Done Everything, and Shes Finally Everywhere. She’s played Jack Nicholsons daughter, Gwyneth Paltrows sister, and Nicolas Cages estranged wife....

  7. Hope Davis ist eine US-amerikanische Schauspielerin, die 2002 in der Tragikomödie About Schmidt als Tochter des frustrierten Rentners Jack Nicholson zu sehen war und ein Jahr später für...