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  1. Armand, Inessa (1874–1920)Russian revolutionary and feminist who was active as an underground propagandist, Bolshevik Party organizer, and champion of women's equality in the early Soviet state. Name variations: Comrade Inessa, Elena Blonina. Pronunciation: In-es-a Ar-mand. Source for information on Armand, Inessa (1874–1920): Women in World History: A Biographical Encyclopedia dictionary.

  2. 27. Jan. 2017 · 7. “Inessa,” by N. Krupskaia, in , Oct. 3, 1920. 8. A common bond between Lenin and Inessa Armand on their first meeting was their shared admiration for Chernyshevsky's novel. This novel, which took the Russian intelligentsia by storm with its image of the “new men,” also contained a “new woman,” its heroine, Vera Pavlovna.

  3. 9. Jan. 2017 · Una francesa en la Rusia revolucionaria, Inessa Armand (1874-1920) Inessa Armand pasó injustamente a la historia por ser poco más que la amante de Lenin. Más allá de su relación personal con el líder comunista, Inessa Armand tuvo un papel destacado en el seno del partido bolchevique y en la Revolución de Octubre.

  4. Lenin and Inessa Armand 97 ever, we can glean from Lenin's letter concerning it, in which he quotes hers. But first we must consider his letters to Inessa Armand as a whole.2 The first thing that strikes the Russian reader of Lenin's letters to Inessa is the use of the intimate pronoun ty in addressing her, in place of

  5. Inès Armand ou Inessa Armand, née le 8 mai 1874 à Paris et morte le 24 septembre 1920 du choléra à Naltchik , est une femme politique communiste d'origine française. Elle fut l'amie et probablement la maîtresse de Lénine .

  6. 29. Sept. 2001 · Lenin's lieutenant. Revolutionary, mother of five and Lenin's lover, Inessa Armand became one of the most powerful women in Russia. But until now, her story has been suppressed by party censorship ...

  7. Funeral d'Inessa Armand, 9 d'octubre de 1920. El cinquè número d'aquest diari publicaria l'obituari de la mateixa Armand, que moriria a Beslan després de contreure el còlera durant unes vacances al Caucas. Va morir el matí del 24 de setembre, als 46 anys. Es va organitzar un funeral d'estat, amb un cant massiu de la Internacional.