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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Interval: Directed by Daniel Mann. With Merle Oberon, Robert Wolders, Russ Conway, Charles Bateman. Serena Moore has been everywhere and is trying to put her past behind her. She finds refuge in Mexico where, without intending to, falls in love with a much younger painter Chris.

    • (68)
    • Romance, Drama
    • Daniel Mann
    • 1973-06-15
  2. Interval (1973) Merle Oberon, Robert Wolders. An emotionally fragile woman embarks on a love affair with a handsome young artist while traveling through Mexico’s Yucatan peninsula.

    • 85 Min.
    • 3,2K
    • sfinthecity
  3. Interval is a 1973 romantic drama film starring Merle Oberon in her final performance. [1] Oberon also produced the movie, and fell in love with her co-star in it, Robert Wolders, divorcing her husband to marry Wolders in 1975.

  4. Stream 'Interval' and watch online. Discover streaming options, rental services, and purchase links for this movie on Moviefone. Watch at home and immerse yourself in this movie's story anytime.

  5. Overview. An emotionally fragile older woman embarks on an ill-fated love affair with a handsome young artist while traveling through Mexico's Yucatan peninsula...

  6. An emotionally fragile older woman embarks on an ill-fated love affair with a handsome young artist while traveling through Mexico's Yucatan peninsula...

  7. Interval ist ein Film von Regisseur Daniel Mann mit Merle Oberon, Robert Wolders, Claudio Brook. Alle Infos, Inhalt Kritik und Trailer zu Interval jetzt bei kino&co