Jérôme Bonaparte (1784) Jérôme Bonaparte was the youngest brother of Napoleon. The two men became estranged after Jérôme married an American in 1803 without Napoleon's consent. Napoleon personally had the marriage annulled and arranged Jérôme's wedding to Princess Catherine of Württemberg instead. Jérôme was made king of Westphalia ...
20. Okt. 2017 · Today's Birthday Pauline Bonaparte (1780) A woman of great beauty and considerable scandal, Pauline Bonaparte was Napoleon's favorite sister. She accompanied her first husband on an expedition to subdue Haiti, but he failed and died of yellow fever. Pauline then married a Roman nobleman, but she soon tired of him and returned to Paris, where her scandalous conduct earned her a reputation.
9. Aug. 2021 · Context from: Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow 4. ON BEING HARD UP There have been a good many funny things said and written about hardupishness, but the reality is not funny, for all that.
23. Dez. 2015 · Location: Miami, Florida, United States. "Shopocracy" is derived from a characterization of England as a "nation of shopkeepers". Although the phrase has been attributed to Napoleon Bonaparte, according to the sources for the Wikipedia article, the first clear attribution is to Bertrand Barère de Vieuzac on June 11, 1794.
10. Okt. 2022 · Victorians, after Europe's dire upheaval, Disputed whether Bonaparte was evil Or if his 'greatness' many wrote about Trumped everything (the French were not in doubt). I must concede that after World War Two All fair historians took a common view Of who therein was righteous or immoral, Though certain details could provoke a quarrel, And some polemicists beyond the pale Sought to disseminate a ...