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  1. Jan Pieter Balkenende, genannt Jan Peter anhörenⓘ/?, ist ein ehemaliger niederländischer Politiker. Vom 22. Juli 2002 bis zum 14. Oktober 2010 war er Ministerpräsident der Niederlande.

  2. Jan Pieter (Jan Peter) Balkenende (uitspraak ⓘ; Biezelinge, 7 mei 1956) is een Nederlands emeritus hoogleraar en voormalig politicus van het Christen-Democratisch Appèl (CDA). Hij was van 22 juli 2002 tot 14 oktober 2010 minister-president van Nederland .

  3. Jan Peter Balkenende is a Dutch politician and jurist who served as Prime Minister of the Netherlands from 2002 to 2010. He led four cabinets of the Christian Democratic Appeal and was granted the honorary title of Minister of State in 2022.

  4. Jan Peter Balkenende is sinds 2022 minister van Staat en voormalig minister-president van Nederland. Hij was ook hoogleraar, fractievoorzitter, lid van de Europese Raad en adviseur voor EY en Hague Corporate Affairs.

  5. 30. Jan. 2023 · Jan Peter Balkenende was a very successful two-term Prime Minister of the Netherlands. After his public service he and Paul Polman, then CEO of Unilever, founded the Dutch Sustainable Growth...

  6. 14. März 2023 · The former Dutch prime minister and current Minister of State shares his views on why, what and how companies can contribute to the SDGs. He emphasizes the importance of responsibility, values, integrated reporting and cross-sector collaboration for sustainable development.

  7. 17. Okt. 2022 · The former Prime Minister of the Netherlands and current Professor of Governance at Erasmus University Rotterdam received the honorary title Minister of State in October 2022. The title is granted by the Monarch to politicians or statesmen with moral authority but without formal competence.