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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Vor 7 Stunden · Die Palästinenser können nicht länger darauf warten, dass sinnvolle Hilfe eintrifft. Israel muss mehr tun, um eine weitere menschliche Katastrophe abzuwenden. Die Achtung des Völkerrechts ist von größter Bedeutung”, erklärte Janez Lenarčič, Kommissar für Krisenmanagement, in einer Aussendung am Freitag.

  2. Vor 7 Stunden · Management, Janez Lenarčič 2023 marks the halfway point of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030. It is an important time to reflect on how far we have come towards achieving its goals – and how far we still have to go. In 2015, the EU Civil Protection Mechanism was activated just 19 times in response to

  3. Vor 7 Stunden · Apr 27, 2024 EU, Gaza strip, Palestine. Brussels, 26 April 2024. In light of the continued deterioration of the severe humanitarian crisis in Gaza, and the steady rise of needs on the ground, the Commission is stepping up its funding to support Palestinians affected by the ongoing war. The EU has now allocated an additional €68 million in the ...

  4. Vor einem Tag · Begunsko taborišče v Han Junisu, kamor so se zatekli prebivalci Rafe pred prihajajočo izraelsko invazijo. Foto: Reuters Izrael po besedah uradnika, ki je želel ostati anonimen, nima novih predlogov, čeprav je pripravljen razmisliti o omejenem premirju, po katerem bi islamistično gibanje Hamas izpustilo 33 talcev namesto 40, o katerih so se pogovarjali na prejšnjih srečanjih.

  5. Vor 7 Stunden · Civilians should not pay the price of conflict. Palestinians can no longer wait for meaningful help to arrive. Israel must do more to avert another human catastrophe. Respect for international law is of the utmost importance,” said Janez Lenarčič, Commissioner for Crisis Management, in a statement on Friday.

  6. Vor einem Tag · Begunsko taborišče v Han Junisu, kamor so se zatekli prebivalci Rafe pred prihajajočo izraelsko invazijo. Foto: Reuters. Izrael po besedah uradnika, ki je želel ostati anonimen, nima novih predlogov, čeprav je pripravljen razmisliti o omejenem premirju, po katerem bi islamistično gibanje Hamas izpustilo 33 talcev namesto 40, o katerih so se pogovarjali na prejšnjih srečanjih.

  7. Vor 7 Stunden · În urma întâlnirii informale a directorilor generali pentru protecția civilă a Mecanismului de Protecție Civilă al Uniunii Europene (UCPM), secretarul de stat Raed Arafat s-a întâlnit cu Comisarul European pentru Managementul Crizelor, domnul Janez Lenarčič. Această întâlnire a avut ca scop discutarea viitorului UCPM, a Centrului de Coordonare a Răspunsului în Situații de ...