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  1. www.jay-leslie.comJay Leslie

    From record-breaking athletes like Venus and Serena Williams to world-changing powerhouses like Mary Bowser, Katharine Graham and Sarah Winnemucca, my books profile a new type of hero: champions of justice who stood up in the face of inequality.

  2. Jay Leslie' tenor saxophonist extroadinaire's website featuring rare photos contact information his bio and resume all located here at

  3. › wiki › The_TokensThe Tokens - Wikipedia

    Brothers Mitch and Philip Margo continued to perform with new members Jay Leslie, Mike Johnson, and Noah Margo (one of Phil Margo's sons) who played drums.

  4. The House of Enchantment was founded in 1937 by James Swoger a prolific inventor, builder and sleight of hand artist. Known as “The Plastic King” Jim made hundreds of effects. Today, the House Of Enchantment is owned by Jay Leslie Inc. Jay Leslie has performed well over seven thousand shows.

  5. Jay Leslie (Horns, Vocals) Jay attended the "real" High School of the Performing Arts in New York where he learned his arranging and composing skills, as well as the various woodwind instruments he plays.

  6. We’re building a interactive virtual magic museum! You can expect to see historic letters and photographs from famous magicians starting from the 1920’s! Please check back often for updates. In the meantime, here’s a preview of what Jay Leslie has paid for the right to produce or has invented.

  7. › the-story-of-jay-leslieThe Story of Jay and Leslie

    The Story of Jay and Leslie. Once upon a time a baby girl was born. Her name was Leslie. She would shake her crib so hard it would fall apart so she could escape. The next year a baby boy was born. His name was Jay. As he grew up, his favorite book was the encyclopedia.