Jean-Daniel Lafond CC RCA (born August 18, 1944) is a French-Canadian filmmaker, teacher of philosophy, and the husband to the former Governor General Michaëlle Jean, making him the viceregal consort of Canada during her service.
Jean-Daniel Lafond, né le 18 août 1944 à Désertines , est un cinéaste, un essayiste et un philosophe québécois et français. Au Canada, il est connu surtout comme cinéaste et comme Consort vice-royal, puisqu'il est le conjoint de la gouverneure générale Michaëlle Jean lors de son mandat (2005-2010).
Jean-Daniel Lafond. Co-chair. Jean-Daniel Lafond was born in France, where he was a professor of philosophy and a researcher in educational sciences. Visiting Professor at the Université de Montréal in 1974, he opted for exile in Canada and became a Canadian citizen in 1981.
Jean-Daniel Lafond est né en France, où il a été professeur de philosophie et chercheur en sciences de l’éducation. Professeur-invité à l’Université de Montréal en 1974, il choisit l’exil au Canada et devient citoyen canadien en 1981.
4. Mai 2012 · Rt. Hon. Michaëlle Jean and her husband, Jean-Daniel Lafond joined George in the red chair to talk about art, youth, and self-expression. Madame Jean also we...
- 8 Min.
- 20,4K
- Strombo
Jean-Daniel Lafond is a writer, philosopher and documentary filmmaker who co-founded the Michaëlle Jean Foundation with the former Governor General of Canada. The foundation supports youth initiatives for inclusion and justice, especially for those facing exclusion due to their race, origins, sexual orientation, religion or disability.
Jean-Daniel Lafond was born in France, where he was a professor of philosophy and a researcher in educational sciences. Visiting Professor at the Université de Montréal in 1974, he opted for exile in Canada and became a Canadian citizen in 1981.