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  1. John Ford (* 1. Februar 1894 in Cape Elizabeth, Maine als John Martin Feeney; † 31. August 1973 in Palm Desert, Kalifornien) war ein US-amerikanischer Filmregisseur und Filmproduzent, der über Jahrzehnte zu den erfolgreichsten Regisseuren Hollywoods gehörte und filmhistorische Bedeutung erlangte.

  2. John Ford with portrait and Academy Award, circa 1946. John Ford (1894–1973) was an American film director whose career spanned from 1913 to 1971. [1] During this time he directed more than 130 films; however, nearly all of his silent films are lost.

  3. › wiki › John_FordJohn Ford - Wikipedia

    Ford was born John Martin "Jack" Feeney (though he later often gave his given names as Seán Aloysius, sometimes with surname O'Feeny or Ó Fearna; an Irish language equivalent of Feeney) in Cape Elizabeth, Maine, to John Augustine Feeney and Barbara "Abbey" Curran, on February 1, 1894, [9] (though he occasionally said 1895 and that date is erroneously inscribed on his tombstone). [10]

  4. › name › nm0000406John Ford - IMDb

    John Ford. Director: The Quiet Man. John Ford came to Hollywood following one of his brothers, an actor. Asked what brought him to Hollywood, he replied "the train". He became one of the most respected directors in the business, in spite of being known for his westerns, which were not considered "serious" film.

  5. 27. Aug. 2024 · John Ford, iconic American film director, best known today for his westerns, though none of the four films that won him Oscars were of this genre. Because of their popularity and his skill, Ford’s films had a powerful influence on Americans’ conception of their own history and values.

  6. John Ford ist ein amerikanischer Regisseur, Produzent. Entdecke seine Biographie, Details seiner 101 Karriere-Jahre und alle News.

  7. 1. Feb. 2020 · Produktiv, erfolgreich, vielseitig: Der amerikanische Regisseur John Ford, vor 125 Jahren geboren, drehte etwa 140 Filme in 50 Jahren. In die Kinogeschichte ging er mit seinen Western ein. Er...

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