Erfahren Sie mehr über das Leben und Werk von John Ford, einem der erfolgreichsten und einflussreichsten Regisseure Hollywoods. Lesen Sie über seine Anfänge als Schauspieler und Regieassistent, seine wegweisenden Westernfilme, seine Auszeichnungen und sein Privatleben.
John Ford with portrait and Academy Award, circa 1946. John Ford (1894–1973) was an American film director whose career spanned from 1913 to 1971. [1] During this time he directed more than 130 films; however, nearly all of his silent films are lost.
Learn about the life and career of John Ford, one of the most influential and acclaimed filmmakers of the Golden Age of Hollywood. He directed over 140 films, won four Oscars, and made classics such as Stagecoach, The Grapes of Wrath, and The Searchers.
John Ford was a legendary director, producer, actor and writer in Hollywood, known for his westerns and WWII documentaries. He won six Oscars and made classics like The Quiet Man, The Grapes of Wrath and Stagecoach.
- January 1, 1
- Cape Elizabeth, Maine, USA
- January 1, 1
- Palm Desert, California, USA
27. Aug. 2024 · John Ford, iconic American film director, best known today for his westerns, though none of the four films that won him Oscars were of this genre. Because of their popularity and his skill, Ford’s films had a powerful influence on Americans’ conception of their own history and values.
John Ford ist ein legendärer amerikanischer Regisseur und Produzent, der vor allem für seine Western bekannt ist. Er hat 135 Filme oder Serien gedreht, darunter "Der schwarze Falke", "Das war der wilde Westen" und "Zwei ritten zusammen".
1. Feb. 2020 · Produktiv, erfolgreich, vielseitig: Der amerikanische Regisseur John Ford, vor 125 Jahren geboren, drehte etwa 140 Filme in 50 Jahren. In die Kinogeschichte ging er mit seinen Western ein. Er...