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  1. Arthur John Gielgud (født 14. april 1904 i South Kensington i London i England, død 21. mai 2000 i Wotton House) var en britisk skuespiller og teaterinstruktør.. Mot slutten av sin lange karriere mottok han en Oscar for beste mannlige birolle for sin tolkning av hovedrollefiguren Arthurs kammertjener Hobson i filmen Arthur.

  2. › name › nm0000024John Gielgud - IMDb

    John Gielgud. Actor: Arthur. Born in London, England, John Gielgud trained at Lady Benson's Acting School and RADA, London. Best known for his Shakespearean roles in the theater, he first played Hamlet at the age of 26. He worked under the tutelage of Lilian Bayliss with friend and fellow performer Laurence Olivier and other contemporaries of the National Theatre at the "Old Vic", London. He ...

  3. Sir Arthur John Gielgud, OM, CH (14. april, 1904 – 21. maj 2000.), poznatiji kao Sir John Gielgud, bio je engleski kazališni i filmski glumac poznat po izražajnom glasu, koga je kolega Sir Alec Guinness nazvao "srebrnom trubom utišanom svilom." Gielgud je član male grupe zabavljača koji su osvojili Emmy, Grammy, Oscar i Tony.

  4. › personne › fichepersonne_gen_cpersonne=661John Gielgud - AlloCiné

    21. Mai 2000 · John Gielgud est un Acteur britannique. John Gielgud est actuellement à l'affiche au cinéma avec 2 films. Découvrez sa biographie, le détail de ses 99 ans de carrière et toute son actualité

  5. John Gielgud ASSIGNMENT TO KILL, John Gielgud, 1969 GALILEO, (aka GALILEO GALILEI), John Gielgud, (in red), 1975 EAGLE IN A CAGE, John Gielgud, 1972 THE PRIME MINISTER, John Gielgud (center), Fay ...

  6. 3. Mai 2023 · Richard Burton and John Gielgud’s dramatic encounter brilliantly portrayed in The Motive and the Cue on whatsapp (opens in a new window) Save. Sarah Hemming. May 3 2023. Jump to comments section ...

  7. John Gielgud (1904 - 2000) fue un actor y director de Reino Unido conocido por El hombre elefante, Gandhi, Carros de fuego, Shine. El resplandor de un genio, El primer caballero, Campanadas a medianoche, Merlín (Miniserie de TV), Retorno a Brideshead (Miniserie de TV), Calígula y El agente secreto