Vorsitzender war Joschka Fischer. Edward Mortimer war als Berichterstatter mit der Ausarbeitung des Berichtsentwurfs betraut worden. Die weiteren Mitglieder waren: Timothy Garton Ash (Vereinigtes Königreich), Emma Bonino (Italien), Martin Hirsch (Frankreich), Danuta Hübner (Polen), Ayşe Kadıoğlu (Türkei), Sonja Licht (Serbien), Wladimir ...
Joschka Fischer remains a popular politician and the Foreign Minister who supported the German participation in the Kosovo war, the first combat involving German soldiers after the Second World War. Since the defeat of the Schröder government in 2005, Mr. Fischer has been employed by the American consulting firm Albright Group (2008) and has taken a post of adviser to the European Nabucco ...
Joschka Fischer et Thorbjørn Jagland lancent un débat sur ''la diversité et la liberté". Joseph Martin (« Joschka ») Fischer est un homme politique allemand, membre de l'« Alliance 90/Les Verts ». Né en 1948, il est ministre des Affaires étrangères et vice-chancelier allemand...
Joschka Fischer and Thorbjørn Jagland launch debate on "Diversity and Freedom". Born in 1963 in the suburbs of Paris, Martin Hirsch is the former High Commissioner for Active Solidarities against Poverty and for Young People in the French government.
Joschka Fischer and Thorbjørn Jagland launch debate on "Diversity and Freedom". Dr. Francisco Javier Solana Madariaga, born in 1942 in Madrid, is a Spanish physicist and socialist politician. He received a doctorate in physics and was a teacher at Madrid University before...
The group consisted of 9 high-ranking individuals with a specific expertise and a particular interest in the subject. Joschka Fischer was the Chairman. Edward Mortimer was the rapporteur responsible for preparing the draft report. The other members were: Timothy Garton Ash (United Kingdom), Emma Bonino (Italy), Martin Hirsch (France), Danuta ...
Il gruppo è composto da nove alti responsabili che hanno competenze specifiche e particolare interesse in materia. Joschka Fischer è il presidente, Edward Mortimer è il relatore incaricato dell'elaborazione del progetto di rapporto. Gli altri membri sono: Timothy Garton Ash (Regno Unito), Emma Bonino (Italia), Martin Hirsch (Francia), Danuta ...
Joschka Fischer était président, Edward Mortimer était le rapporteur chargé d'élaborer le projet de rapport. Les autres membres étaient : Timothy Garton Ash (Royaume-Uni), Emma Bonino (Italie), Martin Hirsch (France), Danuta Hubner (Pologne), Ayse Kadioglu (Turquie), Sonja Licht (Serbie), Vladimir Loukine (Russie), Javier Solana Madariaga (Espagne).
Il gruppo è composto da nove alti responsabili che hanno competenze specifiche e particolare interesse in materia. Joschka Fischer è il presidente, Edward Mortimer è il relatore incaricato dell'elaborazione del progetto di rapporto. Gli altri membri sono: Timothy Garton Ash (Regno Unito), Emma Bonino (Italia), Martin Hirsch (Francia), Danuta ...
Возглавил ее Йошка Фишер, подготовкой текста доклада непосредственно занимался Эдвард Мортимер. В Группу также вошли Тимоти Гартон Эш (Великобритания), Эмма Бонино (Италия), Мартен Ирш ...