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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Maximilian Josef Sommer (* 26. Juni 1934 in Greifswald, Deutschland) ist ein deutschamerikanischer Schauspieler. Inhaltsverzeichnis. 1 Leben. 2 Filmografie (Auswahl) 3 Weblinks. 4 Einzelnachweise. Leben. Josef Sommer ist ein Sohn des Kunsthistorikerehepaars Clemens Sommer und Elisabeth Müller.

  2. › wiki › Josef_SommerJosef Sommer - Wikipedia

    Josef Sommer is a German-American retired actor who appeared in films such as Dirty Harry, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, and Witness. He also played roles in TV shows like The Guiding Light, Sparkling Cyanide, and The West Wing.

  3. › name › nm0813977Josef Sommer - IMDb

    Josef Sommer is a classically trained stage actor who has also been a prolific performer in films. He is known for his roles in Dirty Harry, Witness, X-Men: The Last Stand and other movies.

    • January 1, 1
    • 1.92 m
    • Greifswald, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany
  4. Josef Sommer is a German-American retired actor who appeared in many films and TV shows, such as X-Men: The Last Stand, Witness, and The Family Man. See his biography, filmography, photos, and trivia on TMDB.

  5. Josef Sommer is a classically trained stage actor who has also been a prolific performer in films. He played 3 different historical American presidents, appeared in two films with Meryl Streep, and starred in Witness (1985) with Harrison Ford.

    • June 26, 1934
  6. Entdecke alle Serien und Filme von Josef Sommer. Von den Anfängen seiner 36 Karriere-Jahre bis zu geplanten Projekten.

  7. Josef Sommer ist ein amerikanischer Schauspieler. Entdecke seine Biographie, Details seiner 36 Karriere-Jahre und alle News.