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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Judith Exner, auch Judith Campbell und Judith Campbell Exner war eine US-amerikanische Society-Frau, die die Geliebte des US-Präsidenten John F. Kennedy und eine enge Freundin des Mafia-Bosses Sam Giancana war.

  2. › wiki › Judith_ExnerJudith Exner - Wikipedia

    Judith Exner was an American woman who claimed to have had affairs with John F. Kennedy and Mafia leaders Sam Giancana and John Roselli. She testified before the Church Committee investigating CIA plots against Castro and published a memoir in 1977.

  3. 17. Okt. 2021 · Judith Exner was a socialite who had an affair with President John F. Kennedy and acted as a liaison between him and mob boss Sam Giancana. She claimed to have known about his assassination and revealed her story in a book and a Senate hearing.

    • William Delong
  4. › politik › letzte-wahrheiten-a-661c4994-0002Letzte Wahrheiten - DER SPIEGEL

    5. Jan. 1997 · Judith Exner, Mafia- und Kennedy-Geliebte, legt ihre Lebensbeichte ab - zum drittenmal. 05.01.1997, 13.00 Uhr • aus DER SPIEGEL 2/1997. Daß sie die Geliebte des Präsidenten war, hat Judith...

  5. 28. Feb. 1988 · Der eine, so behauptet die Zeugin Judith Campbell Exner, sei der amerikanische Präsident John F. ("Jack") Kennedy gewesen, der andere Sam Giancana, Chef des Chicago-Syndikats und eine der...

  6. 26. Sept. 1999 · Judith Campbell Exner, the Los Angeles socialite whose affair with President John F. Kennedy embroiled her in decades of vilification as the first to shatter the Camelot myth, has died.

  7. 19. Sept. 2017 · Judith Exner was a Hollywood actress who had a 2½-year affair with JFK and acted as a courier between him and mobster Sam Giancana. She claimed to know about the CIA's plot to kill Castro and feared for her life after the president's assassination.