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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Vor 11 Stunden · A special envoy of Prince Karim Aga Khan held a meeting with the Taliban's Deputy Prime Minister Abdul Salam Hanafi in Kabul after the Taliban retook power in Afghanistan. The Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) is one of the few international organizations which kept its agencies operational in Taliban-led Afghanistan.

  2. Vor 11 Stunden · Chiamata così perché il principe ismaelita Karim Aga Khan IV se ne innamorò perdutamente negli anni ’60, questo tratto di fine sabbia bianca offre un incantevole scenario da favola da non ...

  3. Vor 11 Stunden · Para petinggi militer Australia dan Belanda di Makassar setelah Jepang kalah perang, 1945 (3)

  4. Vor 11 Stunden · Heidelberg schmeckt. Die Stadt ist vielseitig und bietet historische Gasthäuser und schicke Sterneküche genauso wie urige Kneipen und coole Bars. Wir zeigen dir die besten Restaurants und Bars in Heidelberg.