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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Karl Johann Kautsky. * 16. Oktober 1854 in Prag. † 17. Oktober 1938 in Amsterdam. deutsch-tschechischer Philosoph und sozialdemokratischer Politiker. Theoretiker der deutschen und internationalen Sozialdemokratie. Artikel in der Wikipedia. Bilder und Medien bei Commons.

  2. Karl Kautsky. Geboren am 18. Oktober 1854 in Prag; gestorben am 17. Oktober 1938 in Amsterdam. Kautsky studierte an der Universität Wien Geschichte, Philosophie und Volkswirtschaft. 1881 lernt er bei einer Reise nach London Karl Marx und Friedrich Engels kennen. Von 1885 bis 1890 lebte er in London. Nach dem Fall des Sozialistengesetzes kehrte ...

  3. 17. März 2024 · Karl Kautsky Internet Archive. Nothing would be more erroneous than to stamp the whole of the Communist Manifesto simply as an historic document. On the contrary. The principles developed by it, the method to which it leads us, the characteristic it gives by a few strokes of the capitalist mode of production, are to-day more valid than ever.

  4. Karl Kautsky (October 16, 1854 - October 17, 1938) was a leading theoretician of German Social Democracy before World War I and a principal figure in the history of the Internationalist Socialist movement. He became a significant figure in Marxist history as the editor of the fourth volume of Karl Marx 's economic critique of capitalism, Das ...

  5. Karl Johann Kautsky (Prága, 1854. október 16. – Amszterdam, 1938. október 17.) cseh-német marxista teoretikus és szociáldemokrata politikus. Engels 1895-ös halála után az ortodox marxizmus leghitelesebb képviselőjének ismerték el, az első világháború kezdetéig ironikusan úgy is említették, mint „a marxizmus pápáját”, majd a proletár diktatúra hívei vádlón ...

  6. 16. Dez. 2023 · Karl Kautsky (1854–1938) was a leading theoretician of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (Salvadori 1979; Steenson 1978; Lewis 2019 ). Kautsky published tens of books and hundreds of articles on economic theory as well and on social history and actual politics. For 34 years, he was the editor-in-chief of Die Neue Zeit, the theoretical ...

  7. Karl Kautsky Kautsky je bio intelektualna i politička savjest, te jedan od najuvaženijih teoretičara Druge internacionale nakon Engelsove smrti 1895 . do izbijanja Prvog svjetskog rata 1914. Nakon boljševičke revolucije, Kautsky je oštro kritikovao boljševički režim kao devijaciju, ulazeći u polemiku sa boljševičkim liderima oko prirode Sovjetske države .

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