Last I Heard ist ein Film von Dave Rodriguez mit Paul Sorvino, Michael Rapaport. Synopsis: Nachdem der ehemalige Mafiaboss Joe Scoleri (Paul Sorvino) 20 Jahre für seine unzähligen...
- Dave Rodriguez
- 2 Min.
Once Upon a Time in Queens: Directed by David Rodriguez. With Paul Sorvino, Michael Rapaport, Renee Props, Andrea Nittoli. Recently released from prison, an ex-mafia boss tries not to fall into his old habits, but surviving outside of the mafia is harder than it seems.
- (540)
- Comedy, Drama
- David Rodriguez
- 2013-06-08
Stream 'Last I Heard' and watch online. Discover streaming options, rental services, and purchase links for this movie on Moviefone. Watch at home and immerse yourself in this movie's story...
Where is Last I Heard streaming? Find out where to watch online amongst 200+ services including Netflix, Hulu, Prime Video.
- David Rodriguez
- 18
Released from federal prison after 20 years due to his ailing health, a formerly powerful New York mobster moves back home and attempts to reconnect with former life in this poignant...
- (8)
- Paul Sorvino
- David Rodriguez
1. Jan. 2013 · Released from federal prison after 20 years due to his ailing health, a formerly powerful New York mobster moves back home and attempts to reconnect with former life in this poignant Sopranos-esque character study.
Paroled because of his declining health, a former mobster (Paul Sorvino) returns to his old neighborhood and finds that the life that he once knew is gone. Page 1 of 5, 9 total items. The ...
- Drama