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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Lawrence Sidney Eagleburger war ein US-amerikanischer Politiker und Diplomat. Er arbeitete unter den Präsidenten Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan und George H. W. Bush. Letzterem diente er für kurze Zeit als Secretary of State.

  2. Learn about the life and career of Lawrence Eagleburger, a former American statesman and diplomat who served as secretary of state under George H. W. Bush. Find out his roles, achievements, controversies, and death in this comprehensive biography.

  3. 4. Juni 2011 · Lawrence S. Eagleburger, center, served as a foreign policy adviser to presidents and as secretary of state for the first President George Bush. He specialized in...

  4. 5. Juni 2011 · Lawrence Eagleburger, one of the most experienced and versatile US diplomats of the last half century and briefly secretary of state at the tail end of the administration of President George H...

  5. 4. Juni 2011 · WASHINGTON (AP) — Lawrence S. Eagleburger, the only career foreign service officer to rise to the position of secretary of state, died Saturday, according to two of his one-time bosses, former...

  6. 4. Juni 2011 · The only career foreign service officer to rise to the position of secretary of state, Lawrence Eagleburger was a straightforward diplomat whose exuberant style masked a hard-driving commitment...

  7. Learn about the life and achievements of Lawrence Eagleburger, the 62nd Secretary of State who served from December 1992 to January 1993. Find out his roles in U.S. diplomacy, especially in Yugoslavia and the Persian Gulf War.