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  1. › wiki › LiberalizmiLiberalizmi - Wikipedia

    Liberalizmi është ideologji politike e lindur gjatë epokës moderne dhe bashkëkohore, e cila synon të vëjë sa më shumë kufij në fuqinë dhe ndërhyrjen e shtetit, në mënyrë që të sigurojë lirinë individuale dhe si rrjedhojë autonominë e tij kreative. Historikisht, liberalët e parë ishin ata që vepronin ose shpreheshin ...

  2. Partidul Național Liberal (abreviat PNL) este un partid politic parlamentar din România, înființat pentru prima dată sub acest nume la data de 24 mai 1875.Este unul dintre principalele partide politice din România și totodată cea mai veche formațiune politică din țară precum și unul dintre cele mai vechi partide politice din Europa și din familia partidelor liberale europene.

  3. Green liberalism, or liberal environmentalism, is liberalism that includes green politics in its ideology. Green liberals are usually liberal on social issues and "green" on economic issues. [1] The term "green liberalism" was coined by political philosopher Marcel Wissenburg in his 1998 book Green Liberalism: The Free and The Green Society .

  4. Liberalismus dorazil na území českých zemí v 19. století, když spadaly pod Rakousko-Uhersko. Liberálové se zformovali jako křídlo konzervativně-nacionalistické strany - Národní strany, známé pod názvem „ Staročeši “. V roce 1874 založili vlastní stranu: Národní stranu svobodomyslnou (=liberální), známější jako ...

  5. Ordoliberalism. Ordoliberalism is the German variant of economic liberalism that emphasizes the need for government to ensure that the free market produces results close to its theoretical potential but does not advocate for a welfare state (and did not advocate against one either). [1]

  6. › wiki › Lea_YpiLea Ypi – Wikipedia

    Lea Ypi 2022. Lea Leman Ypi [1] (* 8. September 1979 in Tirana) ist eine albanisch - britische Politikwissenschaftlerin. Sie ist Professorin für politische Philosophie an der London School of Economics. [2]

  7. International relations theory is the study of international relations (IR) from a theoretical perspective. It seeks to explain behaviors and outcomes in international politics. The four most prominent schools of thought are realism, liberalism, constructivism, and rational choice. [1] Whereas realism and liberalism make broad and specific ...