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  1. Liza Minnelli sta lavorando ad un’autobiografia. Secondo quanto riportato dal periodico statunitense People, il libro, scritto in collaborazione con la vincitrice del Premio Pulitzer Heidi Evans e col giornalista del Los Angeles Times, Josh Getlin, uscirà nella primavera 2026 edito da Grand Central Publishing,

  2. Vor 9 Stunden · List of EGOT winners

  3. Vor 9 Stunden · Over the past 65 years, only 21 people have ever achieved the EGOT, including the two artists who were inducted into its hallowed pantheon today: Benji Pasek and Justin Paul. Pasek and Paul may not be household names to everyone but they are revered among a certain group of people: musical theatre nerds. The two, both 39, wrote original songs ...

  4. Vor einem Tag · Pet Shop Boys at the BBC: Performances by the duo from the archives. Pet Shop Boys at the BBC airs on BBC Two Northern Ireland HD at 11:25 PM, Sunday 8 September. Performances by the duo from the ...

  5. Vor 9 Stunden · Alexia. Genova - Alexia, nella sua carriera, ha venduto milioni di dischi ed è un'icona senza tempo della musica dance anni '90: brani come "Summer is crazy", "Uh la la la", "The Music I Like ...

  6. Vor 9 Stunden · Liza Minnelli, as Sally Bowles, in a scene from the film Cabaret, which was based on Christopher Isherwood’s Berlin books.Nowadays, though, there is more awareness of the elements of racism involved in hostility to non-Judeo-Christian religious traditions. And it is not as though Isherwood was alone in the search for discipline and transcendence.

  7. Vor 9 Stunden · Les enchères anticipées commencent aujourd’hui sur des dizaines de trésors uniques et d’expériences uniques, et les premiers participants à la table sont révélés pour le Broadway Flea Market & Grand Auction de cette année, prévu le dimanche 22 septembre 2024.

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