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Home - Lorenzo Quinn. “As an artist, as a father and as a person, I aspire to leave the world in a better condition than I was born into. The world is a marvelous but precarious gift, where life on this planet is held in a delicate balance.” MORE INFORMATION.
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Home - Lorenzo Quinn. “As an artist, as a father and as a...
Contemporary Italian artist Lorenzo Quinn is a leading...
lorenzoquinnartist. Love is not tangible and yet it is very...
Lorenzo Quinn. GIVE&RECEIVE Lorenzo Quinn. SUPPORT Venice,...
Lorenzo Quinn. Installations and Exhibitions. ART....
Lorenzo Quinn, Spears 2010. ARTLYST, December 2010....
Lorenzo Quinn. Installations and Exhibitions. ART....
A Digital Certificate of Authenticity is a new format...
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Lorenzo Quinn is an Italian sculptor and former actor, son of Anthony Quinn. He has created public artworks in various countries, including Venice, and supports environmental and social causes.
Lorenzo Quinn is a figurative sculptor who creates expressive works inspired by Michelangelo, Bernini and Rodin. He is best known for his recreations of human hands, which symbolize power, love, creation and destruction.
27. Juli 2023 · Anlässlich der 58. Biennale in Venedig schuf Lorenzo Quinn im Jahr 2019 mit den gefalteten Händen mit dem Titel „Building Bridges“ ein großartiges Kunstwerk in Venedig. Die berühmten gefalteten Hände von Venedig, die sich zu einer Brücke formen, sind ein beliebtes Fotomotiv und regen zum nachdenken an.
lorenzoquinnartist. Love is not tangible and yet it is very real. Owner @bylorenzoquinn
Lorenzo Quinn is a figurative sculptor inspired by Michelangelo, Bernini and Rodin. He is best known for his expressive hands and has exhibited internationally, including the Venice Biennale and the Hermitage Museum.
Learn about Lorenzo Quinn, a leading figurative sculptor who creates expressive works inspired by Michelangelo, Bernini and Rodin. Discover his monumental public art and intimate pieces, his passion for eternal values and authentic emotions, and his signature symbol of the human hand.