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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Mairead McGuinness ist eine irische Politikerin. Seit dem 12. Oktober 2020 ist sie Kommissarin für Finanzdienstleistungen, Finanzstabilität und Kapitalmarktunion in der EU-Kommission.

  2. Mairead McGuinness (born 13 June 1959) is an Irish politician serving as the European Commissioner for Financial Stability, Financial Services and the Capital Markets Union since October 2020. A member of Fine Gael, she previously served as First Vice-President of the European Parliament from 2017 to 2020.

  3. Preserving and improving financial stability, protecting savers and investors and ensuring the flow of capital to where it is needed. Leading the work on completing the Banking Union, notably by finalising the common backstop to the Single Resolution Fund and agreeing on a European Deposit Insurance Scheme.

  4. Mairead McGuinness' team supports her in her daily task. Skip to main content. en. Select your language. Close . bg български; es español; cs ...

  5. 22. Okt. 2024 · Mairead McGuinness, the Commissioner for Financial Stability, Financial Services and the Capital Markets Union, reflects on her mandate, achievements and challenges. She discusses topics such as financial literacy, anti-money laundering, cryptocurrencies, sanctions and the future of finance.

  6. Mairead McGuinness took office as European Commissioner for financial stability, financial services and the capital markets union on 12 October 2020 – taking over from Executive Vice-president Valdis Dombrovskis, who is now also the new European Commissioner for trade.

  7. 12. Okt. 2020 · Die irische Politikerin Mairead McGuinness ist seit Oktober 2020 Mitglied der Europäischen Kommission und zuständig für Finanzstabilität, Finanzdienstleistungen und Kapitalmärkte. Sie war zuvor Vizepräsidentin des Europäischen Parlaments und Journalistin.