400m - Marita Koch - 47.60 - Canberra (Aus) - 1985 - World Record
- 1 Min.
- 49,2K
- Records!
Marita Koch was one of the greatest ever 400 m runners, setting 16 sprint world records (four outdoors in the 200, and six outdoors in the 400), capped by 47.60 in the 400 that remained the world record thru 2009. In 1978-79, 1982-83 and 1985 she was elected East German Sportswoman of the Year and ...
KochWerkstatt Marita Koch Kapellenweg 2 | 23883 Grambek 0172 517 6858 |
6. Okt. 2020 · Am 6. Oktober 1985 lief Marita Koch beim Weltcupfinale einen 400-Meter-Weltrekord. Bis heute war keine Frau schneller. In Erfurt begann die Rekordjagd.
21. Nov. 2014 · There are many similarities between Heike Drechsler and Marita Koch. Both are from Germany, both are among this year’s inductees into the IAAF Hall of Fame, both are former world and Olympic champions, both have set multiple world records during their career and they have the same 200m PB of 21.71.
Marita Koch is an East German athlete who collected a remarkable 16 individual and team world records in outdoor sprints, as well as 14 world records in indoor events. In her only Olympic Games, at Moscow in 1980, she won two medals. An injury forced Koch to withdraw from the 1976 Olympics in
Pesto ist eine frische pastöse Kräutersauce, die aus der italienischen Küche stammt und meistens mit Pasta vermischt serviert wird. Das Ursprungsrezept besteht aus Basilikum, Olivenöl, Pinienkernen, Knoblauchzehen, Salz und Parmesan. Diese frühlingshafte Variante mit Bärlauch und Sonnenblumenkernen statt Basilikum und Pinienkernen, kann wie der Klassiker verwendet werden. Da Bärlauch ...