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  1. Bachelor- und Master-Studium flexibel abends und am Wochenende. Ein Studium an der FOM: flexibel, praxisnah und persönlich. Jetzt informieren.


  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Marquette University is a Catholic, Jesuit university located near the heart of downtown Milwaukee that offers a comprehensive range of majors in 11 nationally and internationally recognized colleges and schools. Through the formation of hearts and minds, Marquette prepares our 11,100 undergraduate, graduate, doctoral and professional students ...

  2. La Universidad Marquette es una universidad católica y jesuita ubicada cerca del centro de Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Ofrecemos una variedad de programas de grado y posgrado en 11 facultades que son reconocidas nacionalmente e internacionalmente.

  3. The Marquette University Career Center partners with undergraduate students, graduate students, and alumni to provide guidance for choosing a major, exploring career paths, engaging in enriching career-related experiences, preparing and searching for internships and jobs, and, ultimately, pursuing lives with purpose.

  4. 马凯特大学 [3] (英語:Marquette University ,也译作马奎特大学), 位於美国 威斯康辛州的密尔沃基,是一座私立男女同校耶稣会 教会大学。 历史. 该校于1881年8月28日由耶稣会建立, ...

  5. All of us at Marquette commit to supporting the members of the Cardinal Stritch community who are facing uncertainty following the news of the University's planned closure at the conclusion of the spring semester.

  6. Le Marquette University Student Media y a ses bureaux. Le Marquette Hall, construit en 1924, est le bâtiment de quatre étages où se trouvait originellement la faculté de sciences de l'université, sous le nom de Marquette's Science Building.

  7. 5. Sept. 2024 · The University Staff Senate invites the campus community to participate in this year’s Holiday Giving Tree to help provide gifts for those who might otherwise not receive anything for the holidays. For more than 25 years, Marquette has partnered with United Way to ensure that hundreds of community members feel loved during the holiday season.…