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    Learn to Challenge Common Misconceptions Surrounding AI in this Online Course From MIT. Learn to Embrace AI as Part of a Transformative Toolkit in this 6-Week Online Course.


  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Generations of MIT students have attended lectures and movies in 26-100, but since 2018 they’ve embraced what’s become another quintessential experience just across the hall: picking up a banana in 26-110, now better known as the MIT Banana Lounge.

  2. Vor 2 Tagen · The mission of MIT is to advance knowledge and educate students in science, technology and other areas of scholarship that will best serve the nation and the world in the 21st century.

  3. Applying to MIT

  4. In our undergraduate, graduate, and professional admissions, we seek applicants whose strengths, interests, and values are a good match for MIT. Because the Institute is built on the idea that talent and good ideas can come from anywhere, we are a remarkably diverse community, drawing students from all 50 states and from 136 countries.

  5. MIT Open Learning brings Online Learning to MIT and the world

  6. The core of the Institute’s teaching and research enterprise, our graduate students and postdocs represent one of the most talented and diverse cohorts in the world. To complement its academics, MIT offers a vibrant campus environment with a wide range of clubs, teams, programs, and activities so that all students can cultivate personal growth, build community, and prioritize wellbeing.

  7. MIT is located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, across the Charles River from Boston. The main entrance is 77 Massachusetts Avenue. For maps and questions, stop by the Information Center in Room 7-121, inside the main entrance on the right. Office hours are 9–5, Monday–Friday, excluding legal and Institute holidays.

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