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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Master of Science, dan variasi magister lainnya. Master of Arts ( bahasa Latin: Magister Artium atau Artium Magister; disingkat MA atau AM) adalah pemegang gelar magister yang diberikan oleh universitas di banyak negara di Dunia Barat. Gelar tersebut biasanya dikontraskan dengan gelar Master of Science. Mereka yang diterima pada gelar tersebut ...

  2. The Master of Performing Arts ( M.P.A. or M.Perf.A.) is a graduate degree awarded in the fields of dance, drama, film and music. The degree generally requires a minimum of two years of full-time study to complete. [1] The degree program is offered primarily in Asia, [2] and was formerly offered in the United States of America, [3] where it has ...

  3. The Master of Arts (M.A. degree) is the most common Master's degree besides the Master of Science (M.Sc.), awarded by most universities worldwide. The study duration of a Master of Arts degree is between 1-2 years, depending on the subject and how intensive classes are. Universities and colleges generally award Masters of Arts in fields like ...

  4. Drew University, in Madison, New Jersey, offers the Master of Letters as an interdisciplinary graduate degree in the Humanities through its "Arts & Letters" programme. The M.Litt. degree requires 30-33 credit hours and the option of submitting a three-credit 50- to 75-page thesis. It is an intermediate degree in the programme, which also offers ...

  5. Der Master of Arts kann von verschiedenen Bildungseinrichtungen wie Universitäten, Fachhochschulen, Musik- und Kunsthochschulen vergeben werden. Der Studienabschluss Master of Arts wurde im Zuge des Bologna-Prozesses geschaffen. In der Regel folgt der Abschluss Master of Arts auf den Abschluss Bachelor of Arts.

  6. Der Master of Commerce ist ein in der Regel eineinhalb- bis zweijähriges Vollzeitstudium. Der Lehrplan des M. Com. ist auf ein Fachgebiet, wie z. B. Rechnungswesen, Volkswirtschaftslehre, Statistik, Finanzierung oder Marketing und die diesem zugrunde liegende Theorie spezialisiert.

  7. › wiki › Master_of_ArtsMaster of Arts - Vikipedi

    Kaynakça. Master of Arts. Master of Arts ( Latince : Magister Artium ya da Artium Magister; MA ya da AM olarak kısaltılır), birçok ülkede üniversiteler tarafından verilen bir tür Yüksek lisans derecesidir. Derece genellikle Master of Science karşılığıdır. Dereceye kabul edilenler tipik olarak güzel sanatlar, dilbilim, tarih ...