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  1. Edward Carey (1805-1845) assembled an important collection of American works of art. Isaac Lea and Mathew Carey’s daughter, Frances Carey. Frances Carey (1799-1873) married Isaac Lea (1792-1886), who became Henry Carey’s partner in the publishing firm founded by Mathew Carey.

  2. Matthew Carey (grandfather) Signature. Mathew Carey Lea (August 18, 1823 – March 15, 1897) was an American chemist known for his research on the chemical and physical properties of silver halide salts and their usage in photography. He pioneered early work in mechanochemistry and developed Carey Lea Silver, a photochemical still in use today.

  3. Despite Carey’s benevolent aims, his involvement in the organization and the Irish community would prove to be difficult for him in the future. TRANSITION TO PUBLISHER | Carey Married Bridget Flahavan. Edward C. Carter II, The Political Activities of Mathew Carey, Nationalist, 1760-1814, Bryn Mawr College PhD. Dissertation, 194.

  4. Carey’s first venture into print was an essay against dueling published in 1777. Patrick Wogan was a churlish bookseller, but one of Mills and McDonnel’s most important customers. Wogan’s apprentice fought with Carey’s co-worker. Following the brawl, Wogan goaded his boy into proposing a duel. McDonnel defused the conflict.

  5. "Matthew Carey situates a subtle ethnography of the High Atlas in relation to far reaching debates on mistrust, and in doing so brings fresh and provocative insights to theories of veracity, intention, friendship, tolerance, conspiracy, and witchcraft. This is a beautifully written and important book that opens up a new field of enquiry, the 'mistrusting imagination.' "

  6. Carey came to America as a the Land (1831). The free-trade economists with poor immigrant from Ireland. He settled in Phila- whom he had battled for so long he now takes to delphia, where in 1785 he founded a publishing, task for allegedly discouraging aid to the poor. printing and bookselling business that eventually People, he argues, may be ...

  7. Carey the Nationalist: 1796-1819, Part 1. John Adams and the Quasi War; Those “Wild Irishmen” and the Alien and Sedition Acts; Carey and the Election of 1800; America’s First Best-Selling Novel; Carey the Nationalist: 1796-1819, Part 2. Carey Began to Dominate the National Market for Bibles; Carey Organized America’s First Literary Fair ...