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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Maurice Duverger, né le 5 juin 1917 à Angoulême et mort le 17 décembre 2014 [1] à Paris, est un universitaire et juriste français. Professeur agrégé de droit, il fut spécialiste de droit constitutionnel et de sociologie du droit .

  2. Duverger's law. In Political Parties (English edition 1954), the French political scientist Maurice Duverger proposed a law and a hypothesis about the relationship between the number of parties in a country and its electoral system. The law was that ‘the simple majority, single ballot system favours the two‐party system’; the hypothesis ...

  3. Hukukun kuvvetinin ɑzɑldığı yerde, kuvvetlinin hukuku geçerli olmɑyɑ bɑşlɑr. / Maurice Duverger. Siyasi Partiler Kitabı Hakkında. Siyasi Partiler isimli kitabında, siyasi partileri seçkin tabanlı partiler ve halk tabanlı partiler olarak ikiye ayıran bi amcadır. ayrıca bir siyasi partinin -ister seçkin tabanlı olsun, ister ...

  4. 30. Nov. 2005 · Maurice Duverger is indisputably the best-known and most often quoted French political scientist in the literature. This brief biographical piece traces the successive steps of his career and the various faces of his talents. As a young man, he hesitated between four professions involving speech: writer, journalist, teacher or lawyer. Eventually, he embraced all of these activities, becoming ...

  5. Duverger (surname) Maurice (given name) 1917 births. 2014 deaths. Grand Officers of the Legion of Honour. Recipients of the Order of the Francisque. Commandeur de l'Ordre national du mérite. Honorary doctors of the University of Geneva. Honorary doctors of the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

  6. › wiki › DuvergerDuvergerWikipedia

    Duverger ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Charles Duverger, französischer Autorennfahrer. François Véron Duverger de Forbonnais (1722–1800), französischer Ökonom und Enzyklopädist. Josué Duverger (* 2000), kanadisch-haitianischer Fußballspieler. Maurice Duverger (1917–2014), französischer Jurist, Politikwissenschaftler ...

  7. Paryż. Zawód, zajęcie. politolog, socjolog, nauczyciel akademicki, polityk. Multimedia w Wikimedia Commons. Maurice Duverger (ur. 5 czerwca 1917 w Angoulême [1], zm. 17 grudnia 2014 [2] w Paryżu) − francuski politolog, socjolog, prawnik, nauczyciel akademicki i polityk, reprezentujący Włochy poseł do Parlamentu Europejskiego III kadencji.