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  1. 9. Sept. 2015 · 541,648 downloads (77 yesterday) Donationware - 2 font files. Download Donate to author. THE MINION.ttf. Note of the author. Hello everyone. The Minion is free for personal use, non-profit and charity use. If you use my font commercially, you can donate first. I’m happy to know you used my font for your project, I really appreciate it.

  2. 5. Nov. 2014 · Quote. Aug 16, 2016 at 02:24. Forgive my 2 cents here, but got to wondering myself what font that was and did some searching myself. Came across a 'Minion' logo maker and it even stated what 'font' was used it was labeled as ~ Nova Round or Nova Round Book. ~ font. And it looked dead on to me. Hope this helped. I'm pretty much a Font Junky, lol.

  3. Satans Minions. Eigener Beispieltext. Schriftarten. Größe. Sortiere nach. Satans Minions von Mickey Rossi. in Gothic > Diverse. 103.650 Downloads (4 gestern) 4 Kommentare 100% Kostenlos. Download.

  4. 11. Juli 2019 · Minions Font #1. PePendejo émd. Quote. Jul 11, 2019 at 17:37 . Suggested fonts. Posterama 1984 UltraBlack Suggested by caiosiqueira Loew Black Sugg ...

  5. 11. Mai 2014 · 16/08/2016 alle 02:24. Forgive my 2 cents here, but got to wondering myself what font that was and did some searching myself. Came across a 'Minion' logo maker and it even stated what 'font' was used it was labeled as ~ Nova Round or Nova Round Book. ~ font. And it looked dead on to me.

  6. Satans Minions by Mickey Rossi . in Gothic > Various 103,664 downloads (2 yesterday) 4 comments 100% Free. Download . SATAM___.TTF. First seen on DaFont: before 200 ...

  7. 11. Juli 2019 · Minions: The Rise of Gru FONTS. All times are CEST. The time is now 23:34. Archive of freely downloadable fonts. Browse by alphabetical listing, by style, by author or by popularity.

  8. 9. Nov. 2022 · Minions movie logo font? 1 2 #21. PePendejo émd. Quote. Nov 09, 2022 at 17:47 . Suggested font: Loew Black #22. Alexanderg. Quote. Nov 26, 2022 at ...

  9. 11. Mai 2014 · It does have similarities to those fonts mentioned, but you will not find an exact font match. Forgive my 2 cents here, but got to wondering myself what font that was and did some searching myself. Came across a 'Minion' logo maker and it even stated what 'font' was used it was labeled as ~ Nova Round or Nova Round Book. ~ font.

  10. The Minion. Hello everyone. The Minion is free for personal use, non-profit and charity use. If you use my font commercially, you can donate first. I’m happy to know you used my font for your project, I really appreciate it. I’m glad if you tell me how my font help your project by sending a links or pictures of your work.

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