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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. With Linda Blair, Adam Baldwin, George Kennedy, David Henrie. This movie is based on Tim Stoker's experience as a monster movie geek. The monsters in an old non released movie come out of the movie and Tim and his friends in the real world and the movie must find a way to stop the monsters.

    • (299)
    • Family, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
    • David S. Cass Sr.
    • 2003-10-26
  2. 22. Okt. 2022 · Monster Makers (2003) DC Media Dump. 1.67K subscribers. 66. 3K views 1 year ago #LostMedia. Starring Linda Blair, George Kennedy, and Adam Baldwin. Originally aired on the Hallmark Channel ...

    • 88 Min.
    • 3,7K
    • DC Media Dump
  3. A boy (Tim McCallum), his friend and a movie hero (Adam Baldwin) try to round up three celluloid creatures that escaped from reels of film and into the world.

    • (8)
    • Linda Blair
    • David S. Cass Sr.
    • Sci-Fi, Fantasy
  4. Stream 'Monster Makers' and watch online. Discover streaming options, rental services, and purchase links for this movie on Moviefone. Watch at home and immerse yourself in this movie's story...

  5. Monster Makers is based on Tim Stokers experience as a Monster movie geek. The monsters in an old non released movie come out of the movie and Tim and his friends both in the real world and the movie must find a way to stop the monsters. The movie has bullies, geeks, parents, a love intrest, etc.

  6. 43 views 9 months ago. This is a movie review for the 2003 television/horror film Monster Makers. ...more.

    • 23 Min.
    • Ea3
  7. 26. Okt. 2003 · The monsters in an old non released movie come out of the movie and Tim and his friends in the real world must find a way to stop the monsters. Monster Makers is based on Tim Stoker's experience as a Monster movie geek.