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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. The year is 1965, and the residents of New Penzance, an island off the coast of New England, inhabit a community that seems untouched by some of the b…

  2. 16. Mai 2012 · 1965年,在一个叫新彭赞斯的小岛上,有一队童子军驻扎在艾凡赫营地里。童子军教官华德(爱德华·诺顿 Edward Norton 饰)在一个早上发现学童山姆(杰瑞德·吉尔曼 Jared Gilman 饰...

  3. Moonrise Kingdom: Feine Komödie mit Bruce Willis, Bill Murray und Edward Norton um ein junges Paar, das von einer Insel in Neuengland durchbrennt.

    • 2 Min.
    • 9
  4. 16. Mai 2012 · Kochankowie z Księżyca. Moonrise Kingdom (2012) - Lata sześćdziesiąte XX wieku. Nastoletni i zakochani w sobie Sam i Suzy postanawiają uciec z domu.

    • 10 Min.
  5. Filmkritik zu Moonrise Kingdom. Überfluss und Mangel: Moonrise Kingdom ist eine fast perfekte Versuchsanordnung im Wes Anderson’schen Puppenhaus.

  6. Moonrise Kingdom - Una fuga d'amore; Kara Hayward in una scena del film: Titolo originale: Moonrise Kingdom: Lingua originale: inglese: Paese di produzione: Stati Uniti d'America

  7. 30. Mai 2012 · Sam (Jared Gilman) is an orphan, solemn behind oversized eyeglasses, an expert in scouting.Suzy (Kara Hayward) is bookish, a dreamer.When they have their long-planned secret rendezvous in a meadow on the island, Sam is burdened with all the camping and survival gear they will possibly need, and Suzy has provided for herself some books to read, her kitten and a portable 45 rpm record player ...

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