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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Mission. Eye is a treasurer, pioneer and guide to the world of film and the art of the moving image. Treasurer: collecting and sharing. As the only museum for film heritage and film culture in the Netherlands, Eye manages the country’s cinematographic heritage with an internationally renowned collection of more than 55,000 films, ranging from ...

  2. Museum. Das Filmmuseum präsentiert in seiner Dauerausstellung auf 2.200 Quadratmetern Einblicke in die Welt des Films von seinen frühesten Anfängen bis in die Gegenwart: technische Geräte aus der Frühgeschichte der Kinematographie, Filmset-Modelle, Dekorationen, Requisiten, Kostüme und vieles andere mehr.

  3. Juan and Benjamín, who are well into their thirties, do not seem to be prompt to finish their university degree in veterinary. As if that was not enough, they are not so keen to fly the nest any time soon either. Thirsty of some long and much sought-after renown, one ill fated Christmas Eve they decide to loot the iconic National Museum of ...

  4. Potsdamer Straße 2 10785 Berlin. Tel.: 030 - 300 9 0 30. Il Museo dei film e della televisione presenta un'esposizione che va dalle prime immagini mosse fino al film digitale. La mostra permanente Film invita a fare un viaggio nel tempo attraverso la storia cinematografica tedesca per più di un secolo. Cinema dei pionieri, divi dei film muti ...

  5. Museum erzählt von einem spektakulären Einbruch im National Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City, bei dem 140 Kunstwerk gestohlen wurden.

  6. 28. Aug. 2018 · Museo: Ein Film von Alonso Ruizpalacios mit Gael García Bernal und Leonardo Ortizgris. Weitere Informationen zu diesem und anderen Filmen auf!

  7. Since 1962 the Stiftung Deutsche Kinemathek (German Film Archive) has collected the legacy of German film production such as film copies, cinema, documents, photographic material and memorabilia. The Fernsehmuseum (TV Museum) offers a journey across seven decades of German TV and its social cultural legacy from the 1920’s experiments to the ...