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  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. Napoleon al III-lea, cunoscut ca Louis-Napoléon înainte să devină împărat, era nepotul de frate al împăratului Napoleon I, fiul fratelui său, Louis Bonaparte, care se căsătorise cu Hortense de Beauharnais, fiica din prima căsătorie a soției lui Napoleon I, Joséphine de Beauharnais. Paternitatea lui Louis-Napoléon a fost adusă ...

  2. 6. Mai 2022 · Click here to read Part 2: Napoleon III: The Second French Empire. Everyone knows the story of Napoleon Bonaparte, the French Revolutionary hero, emperor, and conqueror. Napoleon I left a significant footprint on history that would be undoubtedly remembered for centuries to come. Napoleon I was also famous for his failures, such as the Russian ...

  3. Name:Napoléon Bonaparte III. Geboren am:20.04.1808. SternzeichenWidder 21.03 - 20.04. Geburtsort:Paris (F). Verstorben am:09.01.1873. Todesort:Chislehurst (GB). Der Sturz des letzten französischen Kaisers auf dem Schlachtfeld von Sedan markierte das Ende des französischen Bonapartismus, der seit seiner Begründung durch Napoleon Bonaparte I ...

  4. Napoleon III has suffered from comparison with Napoleon I, whose life ended in defeat but who is credited nonetheless with military and administrative genius. Early life Napoléon III was the son of Louis Bonaparte, the brother of Napoléon I , and Hortense de Beauharnais, the daughter of Napoléon I's wife Josephine de Beauharnais by her first marriage.

  5. Versailles, a place of ostentation during the French Second Empire. During the reign of Napoleon III, Versailles, which had become a history museum, remained a prestigious venue where important figures visiting Paris were received, and was also the setting of grand parties. The most striking one was the party held for Queen Victoria of Great ...

  6. Johannes Willms macht in seiner Biografie Napoleons III. aus seiner Sympathie für den letzten Kaiser Frankreichs keinen Hehl, stellt Cord Aschenbrenner fest, der in der Lebensbeschreibung auch so etwas wie eine Verteidigungsschrift des letzten Kaisers Frankreichs sieht, der nach der Niederlage im Deutsch-Französischen Krieg hierzulande gern ...