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  1. 24. Juni 2017 · Kaiser Napoleon III. hatte sich allerdings wenig wohlwollend gegenüber den Plänen des Italieners gezeigt. Er saß erst seit zwei Jahren auf einem Thron, der noch unsicher und schwankend war.

  2. › wiki › Napoleon_al_III-lea_al_FranțeiNapoleon al III-lea - Wikipedia

    Napoleon al III-lea, cunoscut ca Louis-Napoléon înainte să devină împărat, era nepotul de frate al împăratului Napoleon I, fiul fratelui său, Louis Bonaparte, care se căsătorise cu Hortense de Beauharnais, fiica din prima căsătorie a soției lui Napoleon I, Joséphine de Beauharnais. Paternitatea lui Louis-Napoléon a fost adusă în discuție. Louis-Napoléon însuși avea ...

  3. 11. März 2022 · By Empress Eugénie, Napoleon III fathered Napoleon, Prince Imperial (1856-1879). Although Napoleon-Louis was his only legitimate son, he had a number of other children by different women, including Alexandrine Éléonore Vergeot, Maria Anna Schiess, French actress Elisa Rachel Felix (also known as Mademoiselle Rachel), Harriet Howard, Maria-Anne Walewska, Virginia Oldoini, and many others.

  4. Napoléon (IV.) Bonaparte, (1878) Napoléon Eugène Louis Jean Joseph Bonaparte (* 16.März 1856 in Paris, Palais des Tuileries; † 1. Juni 1879 in Südafrika) war kaiserlicher Prinz von Frankreich (Prince Imperial und Fils de France) und einziger Sohn von Kaiser Napoleon III. und dessen Ehefrau, Kaiserin Eugénie de Montijo

  5. › napoleon3Napoleon III.

    Am 9. Januar 1873 stirbt Napoleon III. im englischen Exil, in Chislehurst bei London. Er wird im Familiengrab von Farnborough in der Grafschaft Hampshire beerdigt. Literatur: Erbe, Michael: Geschichte Frankreichs von der Grossen Revolution bis zur Dritten Republik; 1789–1884. Stuttgart 1982; Herre, Franz: Napoleon III. Glanz und Elend des ...

  6. › summary › Napoleon-III-emperor-of-FranceNapoleon III summary | Britannica

    Napoleon III, or Louis-Napoléon orig. Charles-Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte, (born April 20, 1808, Paris, France—died Jan. 9, 1873, Chislehurst, Kent, Eng.), Emperor of France (1852–70). The nephew of Napoleon, he spent his youth in exile in Switzerland and Germany (1815–30). With the death in 1832 of Napoleon’s son, Napoléon-François ...

  7. He turned his presidency into an imperial title thanks to a Coup on 2 December 1851, proclaiming himself Napoleon III, Emperor of the French. The new regime was Napoleonic through and through and renewed bygone military glory and ostentation in France, and was also a period of great economic prosperity.