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  1. Bachelor- und Master-Studium flexibel abends und am Wochenende. Ein Studium an der FOM: flexibel, praxisnah und persönlich. Jetzt informieren.


  1. Suchergebnisse:
  1. › academicsAcademics - NYU

    The core of New York University is the academic enterprise. The best students and faculty are drawn to the University by the allure of being part of a compelling intellectual and creative enterprise — a community of scholars characterized by collaboration, innovation, and incandescent teaching. NYU students get the experience of attending a ...

  2. Master's Programs

  3. Today, the University has evolved into a university that is "in and of the great cities of the world." NYU's global network comprises three degree-granting portal campuses: one in the heart of New York City, a second in Abu Dhabi, and a third in Shanghai.

  4. › admissions › undergraduate-admissionsMajors and Programs - NYU

    Majors and Programs - NYU

  5. › admissions › undergraduate-admissionsFirst-Year Applicants - NYU

    First-Year Applicants

  6. NYU Stern School of Business | Full-time MBA, Part-time ...

  7. › academics › schools-and-collegesSchools and Colleges - NYU

    Arts & Science is the founding school and academic heart of New York University, comprising the College of Arts & Science, the Graduate School of Arts & Science, and Liberal Studies. Areas of study and research span science, the social sciences, and the humanities. Arts & Science faculty – the recipients of major recognitions from the Nobel ...